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TMHC Gives Back AGAIN at Our Annual Blanket & Cookie Drive

Every year, members of The Millionheiress Club strive to meet their community service mandates by attending events that assist in giving back to the less fortunate or people simply in need of a helping hand.

This year however, community service for a lot of the members was more than just filling a community service quota. Members of TMHC, their spouses and even the "little ones", all came out at the crack-of-dawn to distribute fresh dessert and warm blankets to the homeless community of Fort

Lauderdale and our newest chapter, Atlanta, Georgia.

While this is an annual event for The Millionheiress Club organization, the feeling of giving back to reaching hands and hungry community members felt hear-warming for so many of those in attendance to help.

One Fort Lauderdale member of the homeless community tried to meet the TMHC members at a different distribution location so he could snag a few extra blankets. He jokingly commented and reached his hand out by saying, "Can I have extra? I need to give a blanket and some cookies to my friends at the gas station." Members of TMHC took the joke in stride because after all, giving back is all about fun, laughter and appreciation for a bigger cause.

Next year, we anticipate a much bigger attendance of recipients and an even much bigger number of members to turn up and turn out with their family members who can embrace sharing a blessing we're privileged to have. We're so proud to add our Atlanta chapter into the mix, and we are even more ecstatic that we could make a difference in others' lives.

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