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TMHC Gives Back in a Big Way for Thanksgiving

Every year, The Millionheiress Club strives to give back to the local south Florida community by contributing services, volunteering time and/or adding to the pool of opportunity to help someone in need.

This year, and every year, The Millionheiress Club hosted our TMHC Annual Blanket Drive. Collectively, we contribute a number of blankets and give them away to the homeless population of Ft. Lauderdale, FL and anyone in need of being comforted by the “Season of Giving”.

Because of recent law restrictions on giving away free, hot meals, we decided as an organization, that giving away blankets is just as sufficient, if not better, than giving those in need something that will give them comfort living a life that has not been claimed by standard means of accommodation.

To add a little spice to our annual blanket giveaway this year, we added cookies into the mix and showed our love to the community by also distributing sweet, delicious treats that served as a reminder of Thanksgiving.

This year, we were able to collect hundreds of blankets and we wrapped an abundance of cookies to give out. Some attendees actually left the blanket drive in style! We were able to give out leopard blankets, striped ones, patterned-printed blankets and even blankets that fell right into the fall season of colors.

On Sunday, November 19th, the women of The Millionheiress Club were laced in their #Bowtie Gang t-shirts and hit the streets to make a

phenomenal impact in our hometown. The day was beautiful. Families, children, the old and the young, gathered to receive what was rightfully theirs—lots of love, happiness and warm-heartedness.

Not only was The Millionheiress Club “glowing up” in Ft. Lauderdale, FL, but our i-Sister, April Coney in Melbourne, FL, gave away blankets to families at the Space Coast Basket Brigade! (Shout out to April!)

What made this day so special was that The Millionheiress Club welcomed a number of new sisters this year and for some, it was their first time giving back in a big way. This is what Thanksgiving is all about. It’s more than good turkey and sweet potato pie. It’s about giving thanks for everything you have in life, and more importantly, being a blessing to someone else so they can reap the integrity we should adapt as people, for the short time that we’re here.

This year, and for the years to come, be safe, eat well, tell God “thank you”, and be a blessing to someone else.

Happy Thanksgiving from The Millionheiress Club!

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1451 W. Cypress Creek Rd. Suite #300 Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33309                (954) 334-5800                         © 2024  The MillionHeiress Club. 

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