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TMHC’s October to Remember

This month, The Millionheiress Club showed up in so many ways, and we have the sisters, the photos and the memories to prove it!

For starters, TMHC welcomed in over 25 members for the 2017-2018 business year (new and returning) and did it as gracefully and sophisticated as we know how. Our sisters were welcomed with open-arms on October 14th at The Pink & Black Day Party Luncheon. We had a sold-out event as our members, other business owners, business leaders, local community servants and vendors received the recognition they deserved. Our newest board members, Silvienne Demosthene and Toni Douglas, were introduced and we also honored some amazing women of color, (Judge Florence Taylor Barner, Christina Duren, Shenetra Mack and Cherolyn Davis) who currently rock in their business and/or profession. (* A quick TMHC shout out to Miss Jessie’s for being our sponsor for this amazing event and providing us with hair essentials for our everyday needs.)

We followed up the luncheon with our All White Melanin Mixer after party. We know how to talk business in TMHC, but we also know how to have good, clean fun! Our members, outside female guests and their dapper male counterparts cut a rug that night, (and didn’t even get their white threads dirty!)

Not to be outdone, TMHC hit the road and headed to Atlanta, Georgia for our Pretty in Pink Brunch Tour on October 22nd of this month. We had guest speaker, Elishia Dupree motivate our brunch guests with positive words and we basked in the ambiance at AG Restaurant inside of the Ritz Carlton in the heart of downtown Atlanta. This stop was particularly important to us because it was our first tour stop outside of south Florida, (and boy was it worth it!)

While we could go on-and on about how amazing this month (that’s not even over yet) has been, we’ll leave you with just a taste of the powerful and impactful networking, business connections and relationships TMHC has made so far. We’re excited for what the the new year will bring and even more excited to welcome in our newest members.

2018… here we come!

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1451 W. Cypress Creek Rd. Suite #300 Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33309                (954) 334-5800                         © 2024  The MillionHeiress Club. 

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