3 Kinds of People to Avoid When Starting a Business or Project
Let’s face it, in this day-and-age, entrepreneurs are all around us. They’re on several social media platforms, they’re in our family and...

Do You Really Like the Company You Keep, or Are Your Friends Just Convenient?
Now we all know the importance of having female friends, right? For starters, they’re there to listen to our mushy stories, they’re...

The Satin Bonnet Epidemic: The Stereo-type on Sistas Who Wear Bonnets to Go Out
LADIES!! Let's talk about this thing!! This thing I like to refer to as an epidemic that's plaguing sistas all over the world, (lol). No,...

Happy, Happy, Happy New Year! The Millionheiress Club blog page is back and BETTER than ever! For those of you that don’t know, I’m Toni...